Blog: General

Fleas More Than Just A Bite

Fleas: More Than Just A Bite

Pet owners’ main concern when it comes to fleas is obvious: flea bites that leave the pet itchy and uncomfortable.


Beginners Guide: Hamster Care

Hamsters can make great little pets but can require more work than you might think. They live an average lifespan of only 2-3 years and, depending on breed, can grow up to 4-7 inches long and weigh 100-150 grams.

Warm Weather Tips Round-up

Here Comes Summer: Warm Weather Tips Round-up

With summer on its way, the sun is shining brighter and the temperature is getting higher every day! We thought now would be the perfect time to freshen your memory on some of our best tips for the warmer months to keep your pets happy, safe and parasite-free!


10 Dangerous Foods Not To Feed Your Pet

Here is a list of toxic foods to avoid feeding your pet: