Top 5 Summer Hazards for Pets

Written by Meghan Green


Dogs are not be able to tolerate even a short walk during the hottest days of the summer. On those very hot days keep your furry friends inside with a lot of water and a fan to keep them cool. Danger signs of heat stroke are panting excessively, acting uncoordinated and confused. Other signs of being over heated are refusing to walk any further, seeking out water, even vomiting and/or diarrhea.

To cool your pet down you can wet them right down to the skin but make sure to use cool water and not cold water. If they have any signs of heat stroke bring them to the clinic right away to get medical attention.

The best time of day to go for walks is first thing in the morning or before bed to avoid the hot asphalt.  If your pet is kept outside for any length of time be sure they have a shaded area to escape the sun and lots of access to water. Be sure not to leave them outside alone for too long and check up on them often.

*Even the shortest amount of time can cause serious distress or even death for your pets. To view the level of intensity click here to view a powerful video.


Did you know animal can sun burn? It is most common in areas where there is minimal hair, like behind the ears and around the nose. White dogs with pink skin around the nose are the ones most sensitive to the sun, baby sun block is safe to use on our furry friends!


Some things that can be dangerous to your pets are bees, spiders, snakes etc. Pets are vulnerable to their stings and bites, and may cause a bad allergic reaction. If you are going camping be sure to bring Benadryl with you. Benadryl is safe for your pet and should be given right after a sting. Note: **Please always call VetCare Pet Hospital in Riverview for instructions of proper dosage of Benadryl. If your pets are outside for any length of time make sure the grass/environment is well groomed so there are fewer places for different kind of pests to hide. From spring to fall all pets should be protected from fleas, ticks, and worms using the product “Revolution”.


Everyone loves barbeques and campfires in the summer but the food that goes along with those can be potentially harmful. Sweets, raw meats, all types of things our pets are not used to and should not have. A couple of the more harmful foods to look out for are bones and corn on the cob; those can lead to an intestinal obstruction. Fatty scraps can also be harmful; they could cause pancreatitis or other forms of gastric upset. Only give your dog his dog treats and try to avoid scraps, better be safe than sorry. One last thing is bottles and cups that may contain any sort of alcohol. Pets will become intoxicated much more easily and if they come in contact with even the bottom of a drink it could be life threatening. Alcohol is a toxin, so picking up all cans and bottles along with rinsing out all drinks once they are done is strongly encourage by your veterinary team.


Although there are many breeds of dogs that are great swimmers, not all thrive in the water. Dogs with pushed in faces tend to be top heavy, so they sink in the water. Dogs that are out of shape are also at risk. It is a good idea to get a pool ramp to help your pet climb out of the pool easily, but never leave them unattended near water. Remember to never throw your pets in unwillingly, this can send them into a serious panic.